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Class Change Requests

To request a change, you must log in to your account.  

Enter your district 9 number followed by and your district password.

The "CHS 2024-25 2nd Semester Class Change Request" form is not accepting requests at this time. However, if you have a hole in your schedule, please EMAIL your counselor with the course you would like to take to fill the hole. All counselor emails can be found online here:

The Class Change Request form will open on Wednesday, January 8, from 2:30 pm until Friday, January 10, at 2:30 pm. Class change requests will NOT be accepted after FRIDAY at 2:30 pm. 

Paso 1: Revise las políticas de cambio de clase: lo que necesita saber!

Paso 2: revisa tu horario. Si se necesita un cambio de clase, revise la Matriz del primer semestre aquí:

Paso 3: Después de haber utilizado la Matriz para averiguar cómo cambiar su horario, abra y complete el FORMULARIO DE SOLICITUD DE CAMBIO DE CLASE aquí:

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