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Graduation Application Instructions

Need to raise you CPA?
If you have a CPA below a 2.0 you need to start service hours immediately if you plan to walk at the graduation ceremony. See your counselor or any administrator for more information.
SLCC Days: Day 1 is Tuesday, March 19th, 7:30 am - 10:00 am in room 209. Orientation (bring your Chromebook) & intro to the summer bridge Program. SLCC Day 2 Wednesday, April 10th, 8:30 am -2 pm at the SLCC Redwood campus. Register for classes and meet with academic advisors; lunch is provided.
Granite Senior Day - March 28th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Bus leaves CHS at 8:30 North entrance. Workshops on college majors, resource fair, and lunch. Group photo. Pick up a permission slip from Reed Brown UCAC Advisor in the Counseling Center or from the Gear Up Office.
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