What is a Pathway? In summary, it is a mini-major for high school students to learn about careeer opportunities.
What is a Pathway?
A Pathway is a sequence of courses within your area of interest.
A Pathway will connect your career interests from high school to college and/or career.
A Pathway is your educational road map guiding you to the high school courses and post-secondary options most relevant to your chosen career destination.
A Pathway will help you acquire the depth of knowledge and skill linked with specific post-secondary programs that will lead to a certificate or degree and/or career.
You choose, you decide what Pathway is right for you.
For more information regarding CTE pathways, visit:
CTE Scholarship Opportunities
Click here for more info and to apply: Applications Due January 26th
Pay close attention to the Application and Scoring tab
Have all documents prior to filling out the application
Signed USBE Media Release
Letter of Recommendation from a CTE teacher
Letter of Recommendation from another teacher, counselor, administration, etc.
CTE Career Pathway
Signed, unofficial transcript with all CTE courses highlighted
All CTE skill certifications and industry certifications. Please have all scanned in one document. We have provided a PDF tool on the Publications and Resource tab.